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Shop and save on health items

Use your HSA-FSA card to shop for everyday health items like bandages, braces and contacts — all while saving up to 30% with pretax dollars.*

1-minute read


Pay the smarter way

You’ll be surprised at all the everyday health items you can buy with your HSA-FSA card. Not only prescriptions, but also acupuncture, SPF 15+ sunscreen, cough drops and more. Plus, you'll save up to 30% since you're using pretax dollars.*

Watch our video to learn more about the smart and convenient way to pay for everyday health items. 

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Shop and save

It’s easy to find qualified HSA and FSA products at your favorite retailers. Use your card for extra convenience.

Optum Store

Browse qualified products you can buy with your HSA or FSA card at the Optum Store.


Browse products that you can purchase online or in store using your HSA or FSA card.


Explore thousands of qualified products that you can buy using your HSA and FSA card.


Use your HSA or FSA card to purchase qualified products in store or online.


Shop an assortment of qualified items for purchase with your HSA or FSA card.


Purchase qualified products online or in store using your HSA or FSA card.


Relax, you're saving with every card swipe.

How do savings stack up? Let's look. For a $100 pair of eyeglasses, you could pay with your own money or with your payment card.

Use your HSA or FSA card to shop for everyday health expenses — all while saving up to 30% with pretax funds.*

*Savings compares using pre-tax income in your health benefit account (HSA, FSA) to using after tax income for purchases and assumes a 30% combined tax rate from all applicable federal, state, and FICA taxes. Results and amount will vary depending on your circumstances.