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Biometric Screening Solutions for Health Plans

Understand the health risks of your population. Inspire members to take action, with guidance and support to help them live healthier lives.


Enroll high-risk members in relevant programs

Many in your population may have biometrics measures that are out of range. We proactively enroll them in health improvement programs. Screening participants are more than twice as likely to lower their blood pressure and almost twice as likely to reduce cholesterol.

Integrated screening options drive engagement

Make biometric screening available across your entire population, including adult dependents and remote employees. Modalities include on- and off-site screenings and an "at-home kit." All data are aggregated to provide a complete risk profile for your population.

Provide actionable information

Members can view, track and share their biometric data through our integrated health and wellness website. Optum nurses and health coaches can view the latest biometric numbers and create an action plan tailored to the individual.

Simplify engagement

One registration site provides members with access to all screening options. This site is configurable and provides easy, convenient administration of your organization’s biometric screening program.

Learn how we can help solve your challenges.