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Voice-to-Claim™ Research

Integrate patient and provider voices with research to enrich patient journey insights.


Integrate patient and provider voices into your research

Claims and electronic health records (EHR) frequently tell only part of the story. Patients don’t always take their medications as prescribed, or they may have unexpected side effects. Their conditions may be affecting their whole family, or their work productivity may be affected by their treatments.

And while physicians commonly document their interactions with patients, they may not disclose their own attitudes about a condition, its treatment options or its economic burden. It’s important for life sciences companies to capture patient experiences and physician perspectives that come from a range of sources, including regulatory guidelines, social media and patient interactions. This is where our Voice-to-Claim research methodology comes into play.

The Optum Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) team works with our clients to define a study-specific cohort and works with a third party to reach out to patients and their physicians to participate in Voice-to-Claim research.

We link the new intelligence back to cost and utilization information that’s derived from de-identified clinical or claims data — all while maintaining patient privacy. Our HEOR researchers never see identifiable data, protecting the interests of both the patient and the sponsor. These new data can help clients close critical gaps in knowledge and uncover greater levels of insight.

Design research that unlocks value



Demonstrate value of treatments to payers

Investigate patient and physician attitudes about treatment and insights into how decisions are made.


Bring patient-centric evidence to regulators

Expand your label by illustrating a treatment’s impact on quality of life and effects on productivity.


Illustrate patient value to physicians

Leverage data that can help you guide prescribing patterns over time by examining disease burden and health care utilization.

Case study

Explore the full patient journey

See how Voice-to-Claim research was used to help 2 pharmaceutical companies understand a difficult-to-study condition.

First page of case study on novel data collection methods for a difficult-to-study condition

Meet our experts

Optum researchers have diverse backgrounds, many at the doctorate level, in psychology, sociology and health services research.

Rifky Tkatch

Director, Primary Data Collection

Valery Walker

Director, Primary Data Collection

Yiran Zhang

Senior Researcher, Primary Data Collection


Explore Voice-to-Claim publications

Since 2009, Optum HEOR has contributed over 200 conference presentations and publications in peer-reviewed journals from primary data collection studies covering a broad range of conditions, outcomes and methods.

Address your unanswered questions

Tap into our connections and expertise to demonstrate the value of your treatment to payers and regulators in a more comprehensive way.

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