Fertility medication educational videos
Many fertility treatments require you to inject yourself. The ReUnite Rx videos below show you how to administer your medications correctly.

Fertility injection training videos

Follistim AQ Cartridge
Follistim® is a follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) that promotes the development and maturation of eggs in women during fertility treatments.
Follistim AQ Cartridge Injection Instructions
Hello, I'm Sarah Williams. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Follistim injection. We wish you success with your IVF journey. First, you will need the following: a Follistim pen, a Follistim AQ Cartridge, a BD microfine pen needle that comes with the cartridge, alcohol swabs, sterile gauze, and a sharps container. Hold the Follistim pen and remove the blue cap portion of the pen, and place it off to the side. Separate the blue and yellow sections from each other by unscrewing them, and set them down on the counter. Pick up the Follistim AQ Cartridge, making sure the liquid is clear with nothing floating in it. Disinfect the rubber stopper at the metal cap by wiping it with an alcohol swab. Now, hold the yellow section of the pen in your hand and place the Follistim AQ Cartridge into the pen with the metal rim going in first. Take the blue section of the pen and screw it into the yellow section completely. Make sure that the skinnier black portion of the pen reaches the inside of the cartridge. The arrows in the center of the pen must match up before proceeding. Disinfect the tip of the yellow end with an alcohol swab. BD microfine needles must only be used once. Make sure to use a clean needle for each injection. Remove the seal from the BD microfine needle, and while leaving it in the protective cap, twist it firmly into the yellow end of the pen. Do not let the sterile needle come into contact with anything, even yourself. There is an outer and inner cap covering the needle. Carefully remove the outer cap, followed by the inner cap. But keep the outer cap, as you will use it later for disposal of the needle. Invert the pen and hold it upright. Gently tap the side of the pen and bring any air bubbles to the top. Look to see if a droplet is formed at the tip of the needle. If you do not see a droplet on the tip of the needle, dial the dosage knob until you hear one click. Press on the administration button until you see a drop at the tip of the needle. If needed, repeat this process until a drop is formed in order to administer the correct amount of the medicine. You are now able to apply a specific dose to the pen for the injection. There are three dosages that the Follistim AQ Cartridge will contain: 300 IU, 600 IU, and 900 IU. For any dosages between 25 IU and 450 IU, turn the dosage knob to the correct number of prescribed medication. If the dosage amount mark is missed, do not try to turn the knob in the opposite direction. Instead, keep turning or dialing the dosage knob until the amount passes 450 and there is no resistance on the dosage knob. Press the dosage knob in until it clicks and reaches the beginning position. You can now dial the pen to the dosage prescribed. Once the correct dosage is reached on the pen, it is time to prepare the injection site. The injection site will be a subcutaneous location that has been specified by your physician. The most convenient site for a subcutaneous injection is in the abdomen around the navel. Make sure to switch sides at the injection site after each injection to help reduce injection site reactions and bruising. Disinfect the injection site with an alcohol swab and allow it to dry. Pinch a fold of skin between your fingers at the injection site. Insert the needle in its entirety and press the dosage knob until all of the medication prescribed is administered. Wait five seconds with the needle inserted prior to removing. Once the needle pen is removed, apply pressure to the injection site with a gauze pad. A bandaid may be applied if needed. Place the outer cap of the needle from before on a flat surface. Do not hold the cap in place or you will risk puncturing your finger. Place the needle into the cap with enough pressure that the lid does not fall off. Once the lid is firmly on the needle, unscrew the needle and cap from the pen. Place the needle into your sharps container. If there is no medication left in the cartridge, disassemble the pen by unscrewing the blue and yellow sections, and remove the cartridge. Dispose of the empty cartridge in the sharps container. Reassemble the pen and place the cap covering the yellow portion of the pen. If there is medication remaining, place the cap back onto the pen and store the pen. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Follistim injection.

Ganirelix Acetate injection
Ganirelix Acetate is an injectable medication that prevents ovulation during fertility treatments.
Ganirelix Acetate Injection Instructions
Hello, I'm Sarah Williams. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Ganirelix Acetate injection. We wish you success with your IVF journey. First, you will need the following items: a sterile pre-filled Ganirelix Acetate syringe, gauze, alcohol prep wipe, and a sharps container. Remove the syringe from the plastic holder. Hold the needle upright and remove the cap. Don't let the needle touch anything, including your hands. While holding the needle upright, gently tap the side of the syringe until the air bubbles migrate to the top. Put pressure on the plunger until a drop of liquid appears at the tip of the needle in order to remove the air bubble. The injection site will be a subcutaneous location that has been specified by your physician. The most convenient site for the subcutaneous injection is the abdomen around the navel. Use the alcohol prep wipe to clean the injection site, and allow the patch of skin to dry. You may choose to alternate injection sites as needed. Hold the syringe in your preferred hand. Pinch a fold of skin between your fingers and insert the needle at a slight angle. Release the skin after the full length of the needle is inserted. Push the plunger until all of the medication is administered into the injection site. Gently remove the syringe and apply pressure with gauze. Dispose of the used syringe into the designated sharps container. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Ganirelix Acetate injection.

Pregnyl injection
Pregnyl® is a human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) injection commonly known as the “trigger” shot and is given to induce ovulation.
Pregnyl Injection Instructions
Hello, I'm Sarah Williams. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Pregnyl injection. We wish you success with your IVF journey. You will need the following: vial of Pregnyl powder, vial of Pregnyl solvent, syringe with attached needle, subcutaneous needle, alcohol pad wipes, gauze, and sharps container. Remove the cap from both vials and disinfect the top of the vials with the alcohol pad wipe. Open and attach sterile needle and syringe. Insert the needle into the center of the Pregnyl solvent vial and push the plunger down until all of the air enters the vial. Invert the syringe so that the vial is upside down but still attached to the syringe. Make sure that the medication submerges the tip of the needle. Pull back on the plunger of the syringe and measure the proper dosage. Remove the needle from the vial and place it into the vial of Pregnyl powder, and release the solvent by pushing the plunger. Mix the contents of the vial by gently swirling the vial until all of the powder has been dissolved. Invert the syringe so that the vial is upside down but still attached to the syringe. Pull the plunger back until all of the contents from the vial reside in the syringe. Remove the needle from the vial. Gently twist and remove the needle from the syringe. Dispose of the needle, placing it into the sharps container. Open and attach the subcutaneous needle and remove the cap. Don't let the needle touch anything, including your hands. While holding the needle upright, gently tap the side of the syringe until the air bubbles migrate to the top. Apply slight pressure on the plunger until a drop of liquid appears at the tip of the needle. The injection is administered in a subcutaneous site specified by your physician. The most convenient site for the subcutaneous injection is in the abdomen around the navel. If your physician has specified that you are to administer this injection differently, for example, intramuscularly, please proceed as directed by your doctor or nurse. Wipe the injection site with an alcohol prep wipe and allow the skin to dry. Take the syringe in your preferred hand. Pinch a fold of skin between your fingers and insert the needle in a slight angle. Release the skin after the full length of the needle is inserted. Push the plunger until all of the medication is administered into the injection site. Gently remove the syringe and apply pressure with the gauze. Dispose of the used syringe into the designated sharps container. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Pregnyl injection.

Menopur injection
Menopur® is a human menopausal gonadotropin (HMG) that promotes the development and maturation of eggs in women during fertility treatments.
Menopur Injection Transcript
Hello, I'm Sarah Williams. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Menopur injection. We wish you success with your IVF journey. You will need the following: one vial of Menopur powder, one vial of sterile diluent, syringe, needle, Q-Cap, alcohol prep wipes, gauze, and a sharps container. Double-check to make sure that the vial of sterile diluent does not contain any free floating particles. Remove the cap from the vial of Menopur powder and the vial of sterile diluent. Disinfect the top of the vials with an alcohol prep wipe. Remove the Q-Cap from the package. Attach the Q-Cap onto the vial of the diluent. Open the syringe and draw air into the syringe by pulling the plunger to one milliliter. Twist the syringe onto the Q-Cap. Gently apply pressure onto the plunger so that the air transfers from the syringe into the diluent vial. Invert the syringe so that the vial is upside down but still attached to the syringe. Pull the plunger back to the one milliliter mark. Remove the syringe from the vial and set the vial aside. Insert the Q-Cap into the rubber stopper on the vial of Menopur powder and release the syringe's content into it by pressing on the plunger. After releasing all of the liquid into the vial of Menopur powder, gently mix the contents while it is still attached to the Q-Cap and syringe until the powder dissolves. Do not shake the vial. Invert the syringe without removing it from the vial and pull the plunger back until all of the contents from the vial transfer to the syringe. If more than 75 units of Menopur are prescribed, repeat these steps until the proper dosage is met. Once finished, remove the Q-Cap and the vial by unscrewing it and set it aside. Remove the needle from its packaging. Twist it into place on the tip of the syringe. Hold the needle upright and remove the cap. Don't let the needle touch anything, including your hands. Still holding the needle upright, gently tap the side of the syringe until the air bubbles migrate to the top. Put pressure on the plunger until a drop of liquid appears at the tip of the needle. The injection site will be a subcutaneous location that has been specified by your physician. The most convenient site for the subcutaneous injection is in the abdomen around the navel. If your physician has specified that you are to administer this injection differently, for example, intramuscularly, please proceed as directed by your doctor or nurse. Use the alcohol prep wipe to clean the injection site and allow the patch of skin to dry. Alternate injection sites on both sides of your body. Take the syringe in your preferred hand. Pinch a fold of skin between your fingers and insert the needle in a slight angle. Release the skin after the full length of the needle is inserted. Push the plunger until all of the medication is administered into the injection site. Gently remove the syringe and apply pressure with the gauze. Dispose of the used syringe into the designated sharps container. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Menopur injection.

Lupron injection
Lupron suppresses luteinizing hormone (LH) and prevents premature ovulation during fertility treatments.
Lupron Injection Instructions
Hello, I'm Sarah Williams. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Lupron injection. We wish you success with your IVF journey. You will need the following: a vial of leuprolide acetate, alcohol prep wipe, gauze, a syringe with a needle provided with the medication, and a sharps container. Remove the cap from the vial of leuprolide acetate and disinfect by wiping the top with an alcohol prep wipe. Remove the needle and syringe from its packaging, and remove the cap. Hold the syringe upright and draw in the same amount of air as the dosage required. For example, 10 units. Insert the needle into the vial of leuprolide acetate and push the plunger until all of the air is inside of the vial. Invert the vial that is attached to the needle and syringe, and pull the plunger as you keep the tip of the needle submerged. When the plunger is filled with the correct dosage, remove the needle from the vial, holding it upright. Don't let the needle touch anything, including your hands. Still holding the needle upright, gently tap the side of the syringe until the air bubbles migrate to the top. Apply slight pressure on the plunger until a drop of liquid appears at the tip of the needle. The injection is administered in a subcutaneous site specified by your physician. The most convenient site for the subcutaneous injection is in the abdomen around the navel. If your physician has specified that you are to administer this injection differently, for example, intramuscularly, please proceed as directed by your doctor or nurse. Wipe the injection site with an alcohol prep wipe, and allow the skin to dry. Make sure to alternate the injection sites between both sides of your body. Take the syringe in your preferred hand. Pinch a fold of skin between your fingers and insert the needle in a slight angle. Release the skin after the full length of the needle is inserted. Push the plunger until all of the medication is administered into the injection site. Gently remove the syringe and apply pressure with the gauze. Dispose of the used syringe into the designated sharps container.

Progesterone in oil
Progesterone in oil (PIO) is an injection that is given intramuscularly to maintain the endometrial lining and promotes implantation. PIO can also be used to support a pregnancy.
Progesterone in Oil Injection Instructions
Hello. I'm Sarah Williams. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the progesterone in oil injection. We wish you success with your IVF journey. You will need the following, a vial of progesterone in oil, syringe with attached needle, 23 gauge intramuscular needle, alcohol prep wipe, gauze, and a sharps container. Make sure that the vial of progesterone in oil does not contain free floating particles. Remove the cap from the vial of progesterone in oil. Wipe the top of the vial with an alcohol prep wipe. Take the needle and syringe out of the packaging. Remove the cap from the needle and pull the plunger back to the selected dosage amount your physician prescribed. Place the needle into the rubber stopper on the vial and press down on the plunger until all of the air transfers into the vial. Invert the syringe so that the vial is upside down, but still attached to the syringe. Pull the plunger until the correct dosage of medicine enters the syringe. Take the needle out of the vial and replace the cap. Screw off the needle and place it in the designated sharps container. Stand the syringe on a flat surface. Remove the 23 gauge needle from the packaging and screw it onto the syringe. Hold the needle upright and remove the cap. Don't let the needle touch anything, including your hands. Still holding the needle upright, gently tap the side of the syringe until the air bubbles migrate to the top. Put pressure on the plunger until a drop of liquid appears at the tip of the needle. The injection should be given in an intramuscular site specified by your physician. Wipe the injection site with an alcohol prep wipe and allow the skin to dry. Make sure to alternate the injection sites between both sides of your body. Take the syringe in your preferred hand. Stretch the skin between your fingers at the injection site and insert the injection straight into the skin. Pull back slightly on the plunger. If no blood enters the syringe, proceed with the injection. If blood does enter the syringe, remove the needle and reinsert in a nearby clean injection site. Push the plunger until all of the medication transfers into the injection site. Gently remove the syringe and apply pressure with the gauze. Dispose of the used syringe, along with the needle, into the designated sharps container. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the progesterone in oil injection.

Ovidrel injection
Ovidrel® is human chorionic gonadotropin injection commonly known as a “trigger” shot and is given to induce ovulation during fertility treatments.
Ovidrel Injection Instructions
Hello, I'm Sarah Williams. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Ovidrel injection. We wish you success with your IVF journey. First, you will need the following items: a sterile pre-filled Ovidrel syringe gauze, alcohol prep wipe, and a sharps container. Remove the prefilled syringe from the plastic holder. Hold the needle upright and remove the cap. Don't let the needle touch anything, including your hands. While holding the needle upright, gently tap the side of the syringe until the air bubbles migrate to the top. Put pressure on the plunger until a drop of liquid appears at the tip of the needle in order to remove the air bubble. The injection site will be a subcutaneous location that has been specified by your physician. The most convenient site for the subcutaneous injection is in the abdomen at least two inches away from the navel. Use the alcohol prep wipe to clean the injection site, and allow the patch of skin to dry. You may choose to alternate injection sites as needed. Hold the syringe in your preferred hand. Pinch a fold of skin between your fingers and insert the needle at a slight angle. Release the skin after the full length of the needle is inserted. Push the plunger until all of the medication is administered into the injection site. Gently remove the syringe and apply pressure with gauze. Dispose of the used syringe into the designated sharps container. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Ovidrel injection.

Gonal-F injection
Gonal-F® is a follicle-stimulating hormone that promotes the development and maturation of eggs in women during fertility treatments.
Gonal-F Injection Instructions
Hello, I'm Sarah Williams. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Gonal-F injection. We wish you success with your IVF journey. First, you will need the following: a Gonal-F RFF Redi-ject Pen, a disposable needle that comes with the pen, alcohol swabs, sterile gauze, and a sharps container. Hold the Gonal-F Pen and remove the white cap portion of the pen and place it off to the side. The disposable needles provided with the Gonal-F Pen are single-use only. Make sure to use a new, clean needle for each injection. Remove the seal from the disposable needle, and while leaving it in the protective cap, twist it firmly into the yellow end of the pen. Do not let the sterile needle come into contact with anything, even yourself. There is an outer cap and inner cap covering the needle. Carefully remove the outer cap followed by the inner cap, but keep the outer cap as you will use it later for disposal of the needle. Invert the pen and hold it upright. Gently tap the side of the pen to bring any air bubbles to the top. While continuing to hold the pen upright, turn the dosage knob until you hear one click. Press on the administration button until you see a drop at the tip of the needle. If needed, repeat this process until a drop is formed in order to administer the correct amount of the medicine. You are now able to apply a specific dose to the pen for the injection. There are three separate dosages that the Gonal-F Pen will contain. The pens will come in 300 IU, 450 IU, or 900 IU. For any dosages between 12.5 IU and 450 IU, turn the dosage knob to the correct number of prescribed medication. Once the correct dosage is reached on the pen, it is time to prepare the injection site. The injection site will be a subcutaneous location that has been specified by your physician. The most convenient site for a subcutaneous injection is in the abdomen around the navel. Make sure to switch sides of the injection site after each injection to help reduce injection site reactions and bruising. Disinfect the injection site with an alcohol swab and allow it to dry. Pinch a fold of skin between your fingers at the injection site. Insert the needle in its entirety and press the dosage knob until all of the medication prescribed is administered. Wait five seconds with the needle inserted prior to removing. Once the needle pen is removed, apply pressure to the injection site with a gauze pad. A bandaid may be applied if needed. Place the outer cap of the needle from before on a flat surface. Do not hold the cap in place or you will risk puncturing your finger. Place the needle into the cap with enough pressure that the lid does not fall off. Once the lid is firmly on the needle, unscrew the needle and cap from the pen. Place the needle into your sharps container. If there is no medication left in the pen, dispose of the empty pen. If there is medication remaining, place the cap back onto the pen and store the pen. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Gonal-F injection.

Cetrotide injection
Cetrotide® is an injectable medication that prevents ovulation during fertility treatments.
Cetrotide Injection Instructions
Hello, I'm Sarah Williams. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Cetrotide injection. We wish you success with your IVF journey. You will need the following: a vial of Cetrotide powder, a prefilled syringe labeled sterile water, a 20 gauge 1 1/2 inch needle for mixing, a 27 gauge 3/4 inch needle for injection, alcohol prep wipe, gauze, and a sharps container. Remove the cap from the vial of Cetrotide and disinfect by wiping the top with an alcohol prep wipe. Remove the 20 gauge 1 1/2 inch needle for mixing from packaging. Remove the cap from the prefilled syringe. Twist the needle onto the syringe. Remove the cap from the needle. Insert the needle into the vial of Cetrotide powder and push the plunger until all of the sterile water is inside of the vial. Invert the vial that is attached to the needle and syringe and pull the plunger as you keep the tip of the needle submerged. When the plunger is filled with all of the sterile water, remove the needle from the vial. Don't let the needle touch anything, including your hands. Recap the mixing needle. Detach the needle and dispose of the mixing needle into the sharps container. Remove the 27 gauge 3/4 inch needle for injection from its packaging. Twist the needle for injection onto the syringe. Remove the cap. Holding the needle upright, gently tap on the side of the syringe until the air bubbles migrate to the top. Apply slight pressure on the plunger until a drop of liquid appears at the tip of the needle. The injection is administered in the subcutaneous site specified by your physician. The most convenient site for the subcutaneous injection is in the abdomen around the navel. If your physician has specified that you are to administer this injection differently, for example, intramuscularly, please proceed as directed by your doctor or nurse. Wipe the injection site with an alcohol prep wipe and allow the skin to dry. Make sure to alternate the injection sites between both sides of your body. Take the syringe in your preferred hand. Pinch a fold of skin between your fingers and insert the needle in a slight angle. Release the skin after the full length of the needle is inserted. Push the plunger until all of the medication is administered into the injection site. Gently remove the syringe and apply pressure with the gauze. Dispose of the used syringe into the designated sharps container. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Cetrotide injection.

Gonal-F multi-dose vial
Gonal-F® is a follicle-stimulating hormone that promotes the development and maturation of eggs in women during fertility treatments.
Gonal-F multi-dose vial instructions
Hello, I'm Sarah Williams. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Gonal-F Multi-Dose Vial injection. We wish you success with your IVF journey. You will need the following: a vial of Gonal-F powder, a prefilled syringe labeled Bacteriostatic Water, a Gonal-F Multi-Dose custom dosing injection syringe provided with the medication, alcohol prep wipe, gauze, and a sharps container. The Gonal-F Multi-Dose Vial can be stored at room temperature or refrigerated for up to 28 days. Remove the cap from the Gonal-F Multi-Dose Vial and disinfect by wiping the top with an alcohol prep wipe. Remove the cap from the prefilled syringe of Bacteriostatic Water. Insert the needle into the Gonal-F Multi-Dose Vial and push the plunger until all of the water is inside the vial. Gently mix the contents until fully dissolved. Carefully withdraw the syringe from the vial. Dispose of the used syringe into the sharps container. Remove the custom dose injection syringe from its packaging and remove the cap. Hold the syringe upright and draw in the same amount of air as the dosage required. For example, 225 units. Insert the needle into the Gonal-F Multi-Dose and push the plunger until all of the air is inside of the vial. Invert the vial that is attached to the needle and syringe, and pull the plunger as you keep the tip of the needle submerged. When the plunger is filled with the correct dosage, remove the needle from the vial, holding it upright. Don't let the needle touch anything, including your hands. Still holding the needle upright, gently tap the side of the syringe until the air bubbles migrate to the top. Apply slight pressure on the plunger until a drop of liquid appears at the tip of the needle. The injection is administered in a subcutaneous site specified by your physician. The most convenient site for the subcutaneous injection is in the abdomen around the navel. If your physician has specified that you are to administer this injection differently, for example, intramuscularly, please proceed as directed by your doctor or nurse. Make sure to alternate the injection sites between both sides of your body. Wipe the injection site with an alcohol prep wipe, and allow the skin to dry. Take the syringe in your preferred hand. Pinch a fold of skin between your fingers and insert the needle in a slight angle. Release the skin after the full length of the needle is inserted. Push the plunger until all of the medication is administered into the injection site. Gently remove the syringe and apply pressure with the gauze. Dispose of the used syringe into the designated sharps container. Thank you for watching this instructional video for the Gonal-F Multi-Dose Vial injection. We wish you success with your IVF journey.