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Optum Financial account holder
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Optum Bank account holder
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and more, or find answers to common questions
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Commuter account holder
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Financial resources
More ways to improve your financial wellness
A healthier you starts with a healthy understanding of your health care benefits, costs and the resources available to help you take control of it all
New for 2024
Take advantage of higher HSA contribution limits
File a claim
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Financial FAQs
Get answers to common account questions
Get quick answers to questions you may have
Online: Sign in to access self-help tools and assistance.
Sign in here if the back of your payment card says or
Sign in here if the back of your payment card says
Phone: Call our customer support center at 1-866-234-8913 for assistance. You can reach us 24/7.
For fastest call routing and handling, please call us at the phone number found on the back of your payment card.
If you have a health savings account (HSA) and flexible spending account (FSA) or health reimbursement arrangement (HRA), here's the contact information you're looking for.
Online: Sign in to access self-help tools and assistance.
Sign in here if the back of your payment card says or
Sign in here if the back of your payment card says
Phone: Our customer support center is available for assistance 24/7. For proper call routing and handling, please call us at the phone number found on the back of your payment card.
You may also contact us at: 1-800-243-5543
Online: Sign in to access self-help tools and assistance.
Phone: Our customer support center is available for assistance 24/7. For proper call routing and handling, please call us at the phone number found on the back of your payment card.
You may also contact us at: 1-800-243-5543
For CERA Transportation please call: 1-877-462-5039
Online: Sign in to access self-help tools and assistance.
Phone: Our customer support center is available for COBRA assistance from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday at 1-855-687-2021
HealthSafe ID is our leading technology that strengthens website authentication protocols and enhances the security of your account by adding dual-factor authentication so it remains safe and secure. HealthSafe ID makes signing in easy and more secure.
You can recover your username or reset your password using the links below.
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I'm an Optum Bank account holder
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